Saturday, 8 September 2018

Bournemouth and Poole College paid a fake "Employment Lawyer" to investigate our formal complaints

(Post made at 1039 UK BST time on 8 Sep 2018 in a personal capacity.  Please see here for important background and disclosure of interests).

The short version of my earlier post is:

My wife and I made two detailed formal complaints to the Bournemouth and Poole College last year about in our view very poor treatment (in her case, of her after 13 years of very dedicated service, and in my case, of schools, some staff, and children including one with a disability) at the Centre for Wessex Young Musicians.

The College appointed an "independent investigator" from an outside firm (View HR Ltd) who has been falsely claiming membership of the prestigious Employment Lawyers Association (ELA) for at least the last two years, by falsely claiming to them (and to the world via their ELA member page) that they were a practising current solicitor when they have not been since at least June 2016.

Claimed to be a practising solicitor but was not. Was not entitled to be an Employment Lawyers Association member

This fake "Employment Lawyers Association" member then, rather like a fake "doctor" who examines only one leg and pronounces that all is well, conducted an extremely unprofessional "independent investigation" in which they effectively only looked at one side of the evidence (the College/CYWM's). (Along with many other procedural irregularities).

The fake employment lawyer gave the College and CWYM a clean bill of health and said that after their "exhaustive investigation" the College would not consider an appeal.

The ELA appears to have acted swiftly and professionally

I contacted the ELA with my concerns about the membership qualifications of this View HR Ltd "investigator".

Three days later this person was no longer a member.  

How much did the Bournemouth and Poole College (a registered charity) pay this fake ELA member/VIew HR Ltd? 

1 comment:

  1. See this post for an update:
    Update: "Independent investigator" still on Solicitors' roll/regulated by SRA, but does not hold a practising certificate
